¡Celulares en cuotas!
Estrena un celular financiado con PayJoy sin tener tarjeta de crédito

Con PayJoy estrena celular hoy!
Llévate el celular que mereces en cuotas semanales de 4, 6 o 9 meses.
Es rápido y fácil, solo con tu DNI.
No necesitas historial crediticio.
Chip activo y cuota inicial.
Sin intereses moratorios

Principales marcas con las que trabajamos
Con PayJoy línea de crédito
tienes dinero siempre a tu disposición
Un producto exclusivo para clientes PayJoy. Ve a tu aplicación PayJoy para ver si eres eligible o conoce más en nuestro sitio.

Miles de Peruanos ya tienen celular nuevo con PayJoy.
"Tiene una amplia facilidad de pagos y son super pequeñitos."
, Customer
"Los trámites no son engorrosos y tiene muchas facilidades de pago, todo lo puedes hacer desde casa."
, Customer
"Fue muy poco el enganche, los pagos son muy pequeños y me entregaron mi nuevo celular inmediatamente."
Ana Karen
, Customer
Miles de Peruanos ya tienen celular nuevo con PayJoy.
" I was spending a lot of time looking for a new phone because it was an opportunity to stay in touch with my family, who lives in another country. When I found out about PayJoy, I was so happy because I could buy a great smartphone immediately without paying the full price of it. "
, Customer
" During a financial difficulty I was having, PayJoy made it possible for me to get a fast smart phone for work and to video call my family. And it's easy to make payments over time! "
, Customer
" I needed a new phone for my job, I have a Men's hair salon and thanks to PayJoy I was able to buy a smartphone to search for new trends and learn them through YouTube videos and social media, now I have built a career thanks to all the features I've discovered on it. "
, Customer