PayJoy te da crédito fácil rápido y accesible

Estrena celular o aplica a un préstamo personal hoy!
Una señora se encuentra en su teléfono y sonríe felizmente a la cámara

Estrena celular hoy!

Llévate un celular a crédito en minutos y paga al plazo que más te convenga 3, 6, 9 o 12 meses.
Construye tu historial crediticio
Estrénalo ahora y paga después!
Compatible con las mejores marcas.
Compatible with the best brands.
Conoce más
Dos manos sosteniendo un teléfono
Una familia sentada en un sofá y tomando una selfie
Marcas compatibles con PayJoy
Honor logo
Motorola logo
oppo logo
realme logo
samsung logo
tecno mobile logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
infinix logo
oneplus logo

Con PayJoy línea de crédito
tienes dinero siempre a tu disposición

Un producto exclusivo para clientes PayJoy. Ve a tu aplicación PayJoy para ver si eres eligible o conoce más en nuestro sitio.
The picture of a hand holding a phone while another touches it
The drawing of a store front
The drawing of a plus sign
The drawing of a shopping cart
The drawing of a wrench tool
The drawing of a knife and a fork
The picture of two men smiling happily at the camera, they seem to be in a crowded street
The picture of a man talking on the phone on a street walk. There are some other men behind him, they all stare at him from inside a store

Get a cash loan in minutes

Use your smartphone to qualify, get approved with only your ID.
No late fees
No bank account needed
Approved in minutes
Approved in minutes
Get a loan

Millones de clientes en todo el mundo están comprando sus celulares de manera rápida y fácil.

"Tiene una amplia facilidad de pagos y son super pequeñitos."
, México
“Los trámites no son engorrosos y tiene muchas facilidades de pago, todo lo puedes hacer desde casa.”
, México
“Fue muy poco el enganche, los pagos son muy pequeños y me entregaron mi nuevo celular inmediatamente.”
Ana Karen
, México

Millones de clientes en todo el mundo están comprando sus celulares de manera rápida y fácil.

" I was spending a lot of time looking for a new phone because it was an opportunity to stay in touch with my family, who lives in another country. When I found out about PayJoy, I was so happy because I could buy a great smartphone immediately without paying the full price of it. "
, México
" During a financial difficulty I was having, PayJoy made it possible for me to get a fast smart phone for work and to video call my family. And it's easy to make payments over time! "
, México
" I needed a new phone for my job, I have a Men's hair salon and thanks to PayJoy I was able to buy a smartphone to search for new trends and learn them through YouTube videos and social media, now I have built a career thanks to all the features I've discovered on it. "
, México