Notes on onboarding the next billion

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The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

The $300 Million Revenue Global Juggernaut with a Mission to Empower a Billion Clients Around the World

How does PayJoy aim to support financial inclusion in emerging markets? What are the main challenges the company is helping…
Doug Ricket
CEO and Co-Founder
August 21, 2024

¿Como están protegidos mis derechos como consumidor?

En México, los derechos del consumidor están protegidos por la Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor (LFPC).
Darinka Villanueva
Legal y Compliance team
Alfredo LeFranc, Fraud Strategy
Stephanie Friedmann, Risk Strategy
Andres Aguilar, Operation Manager
PayJoy School
August 14, 2024

Protección de Datos (Función del INAI y Derechos ARCO)

El Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) es un organismo constitucional autónomo que es la encargada de llevar a cabo el cumplimiento de dos derechos.
Aymerich Alexis
Customer Experience Representative Team
Alfredo LeFranc, Fraud Strategy
Stephanie Friedmann, Risk Strategy
Andres Aguilar, Operation Manager
PayJoy School
July 7, 2024

¿Cómo usar correctamente una tarjeta de crédito?

Es importante, antes de hacer uso de cualquier instrumento financiero, conocer su funcionamiento.
Paulina Reyes
Customer Experience Representative in Go To Market team
Alfredo LeFranc, Fraud Strategy
Stephanie Friedmann, Risk Strategy
Andres Aguilar, Operation Manager
PayJoy School
May 6, 2024

Descifrando las tasas de interés

Cuando te adentras en el mundo de las finanzas, las decisiones económicas que tomas pueden llevarte por un camino de beneficios, preocupaciones o incluso pesadillas financieras 🤯.
Julian Gil
Sales Enablement Manager
Alfredo LeFranc, Fraud Strategy
Stephanie Friedmann, Risk Strategy
Andres Aguilar, Operation Manager
PayJoy School
May 1, 2024

Ahorro e inversiones para el futuro

El ahorro es una práctica financiera clave que nos ayuda a asegurar un futuro financiero estable, es una estrategia para lograr nuestras metas financieras en un período de tiempo determinado.
Mariana Cobos
Alfredo LeFranc, Fraud Strategy
Stephanie Friedmann, Risk Strategy
Andres Aguilar, Operation Manager
PayJoy School
May 1, 2024

El sistema financiero mexicano

El Sistema Financiero Mexicano es la base del desarrollo económico de nuestro país. Todos los que participamos estamos supervisados y regidos por organismos gubernamentales que procuran transparencia en la operación con el objetivo de crear confianza, estabilidad y ambiente sano en la economía del país.
Alphand Ramon
Alfredo LeFranc, Fraud Strategy
Stephanie Friedmann, Risk Strategy
Andres Aguilar, Operation Manager
PayJoy School
March 7, 2024