
The API offers a few endpoints to allow for flexible queries of Payjoy data.

In this section you will find a list of all queries available using the PayJoy API.

List Clerks


curl 'https://partner.payjoy.com/v1/list-clerks.php?key=<apikey>'


  {"id":"5320","personUuid":"c42ae711-2b28-6281-0938-1068e98c1236","name":"Demo InstallClark","phoneNumber":"16178994187","email":"demo1@clerk.com"}

List Merchants


curl 'https://partner.payjoy.com/v1/list-merchants.php?key=<apikey>'


    {"street":"679 3rd St","street2":null,"city":"Tallahassee","state":"FL",
    {"street":"55 E 3rd Ave","street2":null,"city":"San Mateo","state":"CA",
    {"street":"679 3rd St","street2":null,"city":"San Francisco","state":"CA",

Lookup Customer


curl 'https://partner.payjoy.com/v1/lookup-customer.php?key=<apikey>&customerLocator=<customerLocator>&fields=<fields>'


  • customerLocator should be the customer’s phone number OR device tag OR an imei OR the customer id.
  • An imei is composed of decimal digits only, and may be 15 or 16 digits long.
  • fields Comma separated fields you want the endpoint to return. This parameter is optional. It can be: device.description


{ "valid": true,
  "customer": {
    "id": 4000005
    "device": {
    "validThrough": 1560679200,
    "family": { "id": 3, "name": "Galaxy S6"},
    "imei": "339977",
    "model": {"id": 3, "makeModel": "SAMSUNG SM-G920P", "name": "Samsung Galaxy S6 (Boost/Sprint)"},
    "simNumber": "12345678901774567891",
    "lastSeen": 1560679200,
    "secureStatus": "Device Active And Secured",
    "description": "Blue device with 256 GB"
  "financeOrder": { "currency": "USD", "downPayment": 100, "financeAmount": 200, "id": 4000004,
    "monthlyCost": 18, "months": 12, "pricePreTax": 300, "purchaseAmount": 300,
    "remainingBalance": 198, "time": 1482000000, "weeklyCost": 4},
  "paymentHistory": [
    {"amount": "18.00", "currency": "USD", "timestamp": "1487000002"}
  "paymentOptions": [
    {"amount": 198,"currency": "USD","type": "full"},
    {"amount": 18,"currency": "USD","type": "month"},
    {"amount": 4,"currency": "USD","type": "week"}

Lookup Cart

  • key Your private PayJoy partner API key. This parameter is required.
  • cartTag Cart tag that you are looking for. This parameter is required.
  • fields Comma separated fields you want the endpoint to return. This parameter is optional. It can be: customer.id, customer.name, customer.phoneNumber, customer.email, customer.address, customer.nationalId, device.description


curl 'https://partner.payjoy.com/v1/lookup-cart.php?key=<apikey>&cartTag=<cartTag>&fields=<fields>'


  "valid": true,
  "customer": {
    "id": ""1234,
    "name": "Customer Name Lastname",
    "phoneNumber": "0000000000",
    "email": "fake@email.com",
    "address": "fake address 1243",
    "nationalId": "000000558",
  "cart": {
    "cartTag": "CARTTAGDEMO",
    "purchaseAmount": "3200.00",
    "financeAmount": "2156.00",
    "downPayment": "1044.00",
    "pricePreTax": 3000,
    "monthlyCost": "559.00",
    "weeklyCost": "129.00",
    "months": "6",
    "currency": "MXN"
  "device": {
    "family": "Grand Prime Plus",
    "makeModel": "SAMSUNG SM-G532M",
    "description": "Blue device with 256 GB"

List Transactions


curl 'https://partner.payjoy.com/v1/list-transactions.php?\


    "merchant":{"id":4000002,"name":"API Test Merchant"},
    "salesClerk":{"id":4000003,"name":"Demo Clerk1"},
      "family":{"id":3,"name":"Galaxy S6"},
      "model":{"id":3,"makeModel":"SAMSUNG SM-G920P",
        "name":"Samsung Galaxy S6 (Boost\/Sprint)"}
        "name":"API Test Merchant"},
        "name":"Demo Clerk1"}
        "name":"API Test Merchant"}
        "notes":"Return adjustment for payment: 4000008"},
        "name":"API Test Merchant"}
    "notes":"Return commission adjustment for payment: 4000008"},
        "name":"API Test Merchant"}

Record In-Store Payment

  • key Your private PayJoy retail API key. This parameter is required.
  • merchantId PayJoy merchant unique identifier. A list of all stores can be found using the “List Merchants” endpoint. This parameter is required.
  • salesClerkId PayJoy clerk unique identifier. A list of all clerks can be found using the “List Clerks” endpoint. This parameter is required.
  • financeOrderId PayJoy unique identifier for the client’s contract. Customer information can be found using the “Lookup Customer” endpoint. This parameter is required.
  • amount The payment amount. This parameter is required.
  • currency ISO currency code. This parameter is required.


curl 'https://partner.payjoy.com/v1/record-customer-payment.php?\


  "valid": true,
  "payment": {
    "id": "<integer, guaranteed to be unique>",
    "time": "<unix timestamp when payment was recorded>",
    "deviceTag": "<deviceTag of the device that received credit for the payment>",
    "remainingBalance": "<amount the customer needs to pay before the device is fully paid off>",
    "currency": "<currency of the remaining balance>",
    "nextPayment": "<unix timestamp when the device's lock will activate if payment is not received>",
    "fullyPaid": "<true if the device has been fully paid, false if a balance remains>"